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Data Architect for Business Intelligence Slovakia - Relocation

Informații de bază

de la 3 000 EUR
Program de lucru:
Entry-Level (< 2 ani)
În străinătate

Descrierea poziției vacante

Job opening through Digi Talents Moldova Mobility Programme 

  • Position: Data Architect for Business Intelligence
  • Place of work: Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Company: VÚB bank
  • Wage (gross): Minimum salary starts at 3000 EUR/month based on relevant experience.

Information about the position:

We are looking for an experienced Data Architect for the Business Intelligence & Reporting department, who will support a range of data marts and reporting solutions in the bank (both managerial and regulatory).      We are looking for a person who likes to "roll up his sleeves" and is not afraid to help e.g. with the solution of more complex and detailed analytical and technical problems during SW development or during its operation. Part of the work will be to oversee the current state of the data architecture and define the transit and destination architecture, taking into account the needs of key data customers.

Your responsibilities:

  • Lead and perform analysis of key transformation projects in the area of data and reporting;                   
  • Design a model of data flows for key processes, design a way of defining code books, bridges, reporting hierarchies;                                                                                                                                   
  • End-to-end ensure the solution of potential deficiencies and gaps in data warehouses and data marts; 
  • Design and maintain data models of data marts and applications;                                                             
  • Develop, revise and accept relevant project outputs on assigned solutions (project plan, concepts for analytical procedures, solution blueprints, functional analyses, technical designs, test strategies);
  • Prepare and communicate the design of the IT architecture of specific solutions based on business and technical requirements, preparation and presentation of scenarios or variant solutions of complex IT requirements;
  • Prepare information and relevant inputs with concrete solutions proposals for the management of the organization for decision support;
  • Bringing ideas to streamline work in the field of data (centralization of key data flows, streamlining of development and analytical processes, introduction of a metadata repository for logical and technical mappings, utilization of big data, etc.) and help in their implementation.
  • Min. 5 years of experience in data warehouse architecture and business intelligence for large or medium-sized organizations;                                                                                                                       
  • Experience in the preparation of data solutions in the field of finance (accounting, risk, controlling);       
  • Previous analytical or programming experience in IT;                                                                                 
  • Experience with the most used IT platforms (Design or programming);                                                     
  • Strong analytical thinking, pro-client orientation, change management;                                                   
  • Knowledge of SW development, IT development trends;                                                                           
  • Knowledge of banking;                                                                                                                                 
  • Good presentation and communication skills                                                                                             
  • Desire to work on a highly complex project of building a new financial data mart primarily for users from the fields of accounting, risk and controlling.                                                                                     
  • English – C1 level

Employee perks, benefits:

  • As an employee, you receive benefits that will grow as you grow with us. The longer you work with us, the more benefits you get.                                                                                                                           
  • Performance reward. Once a year, you will receive a bonus, which depends on the fulfillment of company and your individual goals.                                                                                                             
  • The employer fully pays for meals without additional payment by the employee.                                     
  • Up to 10 days of paid leave beyond the scope of the law every year (and in addition, various purpose-paid days off, such as for preparing for a wedding or when a baby arrives in the family). We especially think of single parents who also have extra days off.                                                                                   
  • Credit in the VÚB Cafeteria is up to 300 EUR, which increases with the number of years of service.         
  • Up to 100 EUR per month as a contribution to additional pension savings.                                               
  • After 2 years in VÚB 275 EUR each year as a contribution to recreation in Slovakia.                                 
  • 100 EUR per month in case of long-term incapacity for work.                                                                     
  • Financial contribution at the birth of a child.                                                                                               
  • Sabbatical -3 months off with 50% salary.                                                                                                   
  • An international health care program that includes obtaining a second medical opinion from experts, not only for the employee but also for their immediate family, as well as fully paid treatment at a foreign clinic in case of serious illnesses.                                                                                                     
  • MultiSport card with access to sports grounds and recreational facilities throughout Slovakia and Czechia.
  • From 500 to 800 EUR as a reward for loyalty on a round anniversary                                                         
  • Discounted products and services of VÚB bank, i.e., discounted rates on mortgages or loans, higher interest on savings products, cheaper leasing, keeping accounts for free or without fees for investing in mutual funds.
  • Professional advice of a personal banker for employees.                                                                           
  • Rich possibilities for your personal development and professional training.                                               
  • Support for your mental well-being and mental health.                                                                             
  • 150 EUR allowance for a mobile phone and a flat rate for private purposes.                                             
  • If you actively participate in improving life for your community or surroundings, you can receive an Employee Grant from VÚB Foundation.

Brief description of the company:

VÚB is the second largest bank in Slovakia with a license to provide a full range of banking services to the population, corporate and institutional clients. The focus of the offer is mortgage and consumer loans, deposit and payment products and services, installment sales, consulting, corporate banking and financing of foreign trade activities, consumer financing, leasing, or factoring.

Digi Talents Programme additional benefits

The job position is supported by the EU-funded labour mobility programme Digi Talents for ICT professionals between Slovakia and Moldova. More information at 

In addition to the conditions and benefits from the company described above, the programme Digi Talents will provide you with additional benefits:

  • Cover your travel costs from from Ukraine to Slovakia and back in total value up to 200 EUR
  • Financial and/or in-kind support to cover your living costs (e.g. accommodation, insurance, pocket money and local transport fees) during the first two months of your stay in the total amount of up to 1600 EUR. Final amount of support provided may vary depending on scope of the services paid by programme and individual circumstances.
  • Provision of professional courses in programming, English language, and Slovak language before and after arrival to Slovakia,
  • Assistance with relocation, residence formalities, accommodation, and cultural orientation. Legal and administrative support during your stay in Slovakia. Cover fees for legal and administrative formalities related to your residence in total value up to 100 EUR.
  • Participation in the programme is for free.

*This job position is supported by the EU-funded labour mobility programme Digi Talents for ICT 
professionals between Slovakia and Moldova

Trimite CV

Despre companie

About the Tekwill Project implemented by ATIC

Tekwill has been designed as a national public private partnership between the Government of Moldova, USAID, Microsoft, and IBM to answer the needs of the ICT industry to close the gap of the human capital shortage, as well as support the development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem. The initial goal of the project was to contribute to the extension of the Tekwill project as a sustainable network and deploy its programs on regional/national level. The project aims at determining the operation model of the network, determining business plans for the relevant created centers or partners in the regions, deploy scalable activities to connect an estimated of 150,000 people to ICT (school and university students, community, etc.), deploy entrepreneurship programs aiming at both scaling up existing programs, as well as create inclusive innovation platforms for the regions, with their respective specifics and potential to absorb/apply ICT. We envision a minimum 10,000 beneficiaries/year for each direction (education and entrepreneurship) As a result of the project, 2 main outcomes of the project are expected: more and better qualified skills and workforce developed leading to a stronger ICT industry in Moldova, as well as creating the premises for a Startup Moldova program driving opportunities for companies seeking capitalization.

Now, ATIC is also implementing the Digi Talents Moldova Project

The project contributes to the objectives of the EU Agenda on Migration by establishing a well-managed labour mobility programme for young students or graduates and IT Professionals that is mutually beneficial to both participating countries – Moldova and Slovakia, and it will last until February, 2024.

“Digi Talents”, as a mobility and career advancement programme between Slovakia and Moldova, aims to:

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Articolele companiei

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Citiți în întregime
3164 15-03-2023


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