Publicat Recent

CNC Operator

Informații de bază

de la 3 000 EUR
Program de lucru:
Mid-Level (2-5 ani)
Chișinău, Finlanda, Kajaani

Descrierea poziției vacante

Estonian-Finnish company Svarga Work (legal name Alvasar OÜ) is looking for experienced CNC operators to work in Finland. We are a direct employer, the vacancy is free.
Contact person Kuschova Victoria

Requirements for candidates

  • Experience as a CNC operator for at least 3 years
  • EU citizenship or valid documents for work in the EU
  • Knowledge of English (spoken)!!!

We offer

  • Salary. - 15 EUR/hour net.
  • Housing provided
  • Work/home schedule. You can choose between 4 weeks of work and 2 at home or 6 weeks of work and 3 at home.

Requirements for certificates, diplomas
You can send your resume through the following channels:

  • Email
  • On viber +[vezi telefon]37256721434
  • Fill out the form on our website by clicking on the link
  • Contact us by phone, and our manager will make your resume with your words: whatsapp, viber:

+[vezi telefon]37256721434

Trimite CV

Despre companie

HR managerul companiei nu a reușit să completeze acest câmp, dar fii sigur, ei au o istorie super interesantă. Curând îi vom contacta și-i vom ruga să o adauge. Până atunci, vezi ofertele lor de angajare.

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii


Număr de contact:

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