Publicat Ieri

Muncitor în construcții

Informații de bază

de la 3 000 EUR
Program de lucru:
Fără studii
Mid-Level (2-5 ani)
În străinătate, Olanda

Descrierea poziției vacante

The company employs MrRecruit.Me:

Construction worker | Netherlands

Working hours: Full-time

Experience: Mid-Level (2-5 years)

Level of education: No education

Location: Abroad, Netherlands

Knowledge of languages: English

Type of contract: Individual employment contract, Cumulation job, Seasonal / temporary job

Wage: Amount from 2500 - 3000 EUR

Brief description of the vacancy:

We are looking for an experienced construction worker to join our team in the Netherlands.

Requirements for the candidate:

  • Minimum 2-5 years experience in the field of construction
  • Communication skills in English
  • Teamwork skills

Responsibilities of the candidate:

  • Execution of construction works according to plans and instructions
  • Safety and occupational safety enforcement
  • Attending team meetings and communicating effectively with colleagues

Send your CV through the platform. 

Despre companie

HR managerul companiei nu a reușit să completeze acest câmp, dar fii sigur, ei au o istorie super interesantă. Curând îi vom contacta și-i vom ruga să o adauge. Până atunci, vezi ofertele lor de angajare.

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii


Adresa postului vacant
Olanda, Bergen op Zoom, Zuidzijde Haven 39A

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