Publicat Recent

Fullstack .Net Software Engineer

Informații de bază

Studenți, Entry-Level (< 2 ani)
Cluj-Napoca, România

Descrierea poziției vacante

Are you looking for a new challenge? Do you feel most creative working flexible hours in a small, focused, energetic team, side by side with experienced, passionate and like-minded developers? Then look no further!

We value people who have excellent computer science knowledge, are self-starters and constant learners. Having deep knowledge in one or more specific technologies is a plus, however we feel this is trumped by the desire and capability to learn any new technology du jour ;)

If you…

  • have strong knowledge of basic software engineering concepts (data structures, algorithms, OOP)
  • hold SOLID, GRASP, DRY, KISS, Design Patterns etc. in high esteem
  • have experience with unit testing and automated testing
  • like diversity and want to work on a range of different technologies and projects
  • are willing to learn new technology stacks and solve challenging problems
  • have strong knowledge of .NET/Microsoft technologies (Asp.Net MVC/WebApi and/or WPF/UWP, Entity Framework, Windows Services etc.)

…then join our team Cluj-Napoca, Romania!

We're proud of our technical chops. And because we know technical excellence is hard, we offer unparalleled support for our employees:

  • Access to any learning resource: courses (Pluralsight, Coursera etc), books, conferences, internal knowledge sharing sessions, you name it
  • 100% merit-based environment in a team of passionate professionals that help and teach each other every step of the way
  • Challenging projects with the newest technologies and technical freedom to choose the best architecture and tools for the job
  • Flexible working hours and unlimited home office
  • Excellent compensation corellated 1-to-1 with performance

Would you like to find out more? Get in touch:">

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Despre companie

Proactive Clean Code Software Agency

Reliability and proactivity

We always deliver on our promises, while being clear on what we can and what we cannot do.We'll go the extra mile with you so that we are successful together and raise flags whenever needed so you can react quickly and course-correct on the fly.

Openness and transparency

Long-lasting partnerships are based on trust. We communicate often and openly, we ask for and give feedback constantly, we make our work visible and our costs clear.

Pragmatism and flexibility

We consider ourselves pragmatists. As business realities change we're flexible to change with them on a technical, organisational or contractual level.

Recenziile companiei

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