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WTS Energy

0 posturi vacante deschise

Informații de bază

Domeniul de activitate:
Resurse Umane

Despre companie

WTS Energy provides recruitment and manpower services for the global oil and gas and energy industries. We supply engineers and consultants to our clients’ projects and operations, and perform employment outsourcing services such as workforce management in oil and gas regions around the world. Our clients are based globally and offer a wide range of vacancies in oil, gas and energy. WTS Energy places suitable engineers and consultants in any phase of Oil and Gas projects and in all skills relating to: Geoscience, Drilling Management and Well Services, Facilities, (FEED) Engineering, Construction, Pipeline, Subsea, Commissioning and Start Up and Operations and Maintenance. WTS Energy operates globally with offices in 14 countries and is operational in over 50 countries.

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