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Informații de bază

Domeniul de activitate:
IT / Telecom
Numar de angajati:

Despre companie

Proovia was founded in 2014 as Van and Man.

The company's history began in 2014, when there was only one man and a van (Man & Van). Since then, for 7 years the company has developed rapidly, reaching now we have 160 employees with departments such as customer support, dispatchers, drivers, logistics, accounting and claims. We currently have a main hub (warehouse) in Birmingham with a fleet of 50 vans. With the help of our customers, we tend to grow even more and make people happier with our services as much as possible. We’re based in Birmingham. However, this does have specific factors in our job. Birmingham is located in the middle of Great Britain, allowing us to cover most part of the country. We do not cover islands and Ireland. (Nor Republic of Ireland nor Northern Ireland). Please take note that we do not cover Scotland’s Highlands due to specifics of this area.

Proovia means that your desire is the must for business and your expectation is met to the point.

Recenziile companiei

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