KEC International LTD Sucursala Chisinau

2 posturi vacante deschise

Informații de bază

Domeniul de activitate:
Prestări servicii
Numar de angajati:
Adresa principală a companiei:
str. Colina Puskin, 18

Despre companie

KEC International is a team of more than 6000 experienced and diverse professionals spread across the globe. We combine a proven track record of successfully executing projects in difficult conditions and professional expertise. We create high performing mangers through global exposure and empowerment, woven together with a culture of trust & caring, happiness and Outperformance.

With a footprint in over 100 countries, KEC offers a truly global career in project management and project execution. We provide a wide range of experience across different terrains, different cultures, and different execution methods.

We offer unmatched leadership opportunities & growth. Our approach is built on empowering employees to take on challenging assignments and explore their potential. We strongly believe in developing multi-skilled leaders from within our in-house talent pool. If you are looking for a challenging career with diversified opportunities, then KEC International is the right place for you. We help shape the Leaders of Tomorrow.

Locuri de muncă active - KEC International LTD Sucursala Chisinau

Recenziile companiei

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0 star star star star star 0 recenzii


Adresa principală a companiei
Chișinău, Centru, str. Colina Puskin, 18
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