На данный момент у этой классной компании нет свободных рабочих мест. Но вскоре она планирует расширяться, и тогда, возможно, им понадобишься именно ты. Возвращайся позже!

Cognition and Robotics Lab (CoRLab)

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О компании

CoRLab has come a long way from its beginnings being dedicated to offering expertise in custom web application development. We have started our software development company on a few simple ideas: be passionate, be honest, and always put the brand first. Then we collected a like-minded team, let them think freely, and create without anything holding them back. From there, it was just a matter of doing what we love every day. Web development, mobile app development, CMS implementations, integrations. Basically, you come to us with a problem and we’ll find an answer—one that’s crafted, smart, and up to our standards (which we must admit are pretty high).

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