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Argisht Partez

0 posturi vacante deschise

Informații de bază

Domeniul de activitate:
Turism / HoReCa
Adresa principală a companiei:
Hotel Argisht Partez, 9007 Златни пясъци, Варна

Despre companie

Located in Golden Sands Resort, 17 km northeast of the sea capital of Bulgaria - Varna, 150 meters from the sea coast and 21 km from Varna Airport, 'Argisht Partez' offers an excellent opportunity to relax at the seaside with family and friends, as well as combining meetings and business trips.

The team of professionals has always been honored to welcome the guests of Argis Partez in a pleasant and unforgettable atmosphere. There are four outdoor pools, a gym, a children's playground and our sports and children animators.

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii


Adresa principală a companiei
Bulgaria, Hotel Argisht Partez, 9007 Златни пясъци, Варна
Număr de contact:
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